Mojang started offering Minecraft Earth with early access to Android and iOS users in several regions after the beta process. The developer released the R14 or 0.14.0 update today, which brought some improvements and bug fixes to Minecraft Earth. The new update of Minecraft Earth brought new gangs, adventure mode fixes and more. Common, Unusual, and Rare adventures now include Adventure Chests with unique rewards. The update also reduces the distance required for Adventures. Also, killing gangs in Adventures earns you experience points. Horned sheep, Iron Furnace Golem and Melon Golem have been added to the game by the 0.14.0 update. The instability in the map and user interface has been fixed and Skeleton Wolf’s damage has been fixed. Minecraft Earth received the 0.13.0 update a few weeks ago, which brought 12 different boosts (Boosts) and 2 gangs to the game. You can reach the game’s Google Play Store page here, the App Store page here.

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