To reveal individuals at risk of dementia is very important for the treatment of this disease. This is especially critical in planning for future care of these patients or taking preventive measures. A study published in bioRxiv suggests that the young adult height is a risk factor to consider. In previous studies, it was stated that length may be a risk factor for dementia, but in most of these studies, genetic, environmental and other early life factors that may have an effect on dementia were ignored. Terese Sara Høj Jørgensen of the University of Copenhagen studied the relationship between height and dementia, while taking into account her brothers. Long height means less risk: Examining the data of 666,333 men born between 1939 and 1959 for research, scientists state that there are 70,608 brothers and 7,388 twins. Among these, a total of 10.559 people developed dementia. According to the research conducted with a focus on this group, the risk of dementia decreases by 10% every 6 centimeters. When researchers add the role played by intelligence and educational factors to the research, the relationship between height and risk of dementia decreases by one level. In the study, the relationship between height / dementia risk between brothers of different heights was also determined. In this case, genetic and family characteristics alone do not explain why the short sibling has a higher risk of dementia. Although the same is true for twins, the researchers point out that the results in this group are more uncertain. Researchers think their work is strong because they include factors such as intelligence and education regarding the risk of dementia in young adults. Both intelligence and education may affect our cognitive state. This may explain that people who have developed intelligence and education are less prone to dementia. Research shows that despite the level of education and intelligence test results, the relationship between height and dementia risk continues. Scientists, who think that the research on brothers has also confirmed this relationship, suggests that the risk is due to environmental effects during the youth rather than family characteristics. It is not known whether the results of the research can be expanded towards women.

A Research Showing Low Young Dementia Risk In Tall Young Men - 26