According to the Business Insider website, Wing became a highlight especially in Australia: deliveries doubled from February to March 2020 and, in April, doubled again. Cities like Canberra, Queensland and Logan can receive products from 24 local establishments, from cafes to bakeries and restaurants. Essential items for many people’s daily lives, such as milk, eggs and even toilet paper, are some of the most common orders. In the United States, where it operates in Virginia, deliveries are for FedEx service packages. In Helsinki, Finland, the service has been running since 2018 in the testing phase and since last year officially, also registering a higher number of orders by those who are in social isolation.

Since deliveries are accompanied by a Wing application, it is possible to track exactly the increase in requests. Around the world, the use of the service has grown by more than 350%. There is no information regarding a possible expansion of services for this year.

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