AMD CEO Dr. Lisa Su said at the last shareholder meeting that Ryzen CPUs accounted for 50% of CPU sales in the premium segment worldwide. This figure was created with statistics from retail stores worldwide. The reason for Ryzen to stand out so much was its impressive performance, efficiency and price. Intel started to fall back in the competition, especially with the release of 3rd generation Ryzen CPUs. AMD CPUs not only outperform sales and are among the recommended hardware, but also accounted for approximately 90% of total sales at major retailers. Sales success of AMD CPUs Dr. Lisa Su, at AMD’s 2020 Q1 meeting, said, “The demand for the latest Ryzen 3000 and previous generation Ryzen 2000 processor families on the desktop was very strong. Both remain on top retailers’ top sellers list and account for more than 50% of premium segment processor sales on major e-marketing sites worldwide. ” One of the interesting points is that AMD 2nd generation Ryzen CPUs have a very big role in the market share of 50%. AMD Ryzen 5 2600x with 6 cores and 12 threads and Ryzen 7 2700X with 8 cores and 16 threads managed to achieve very successful sales figures thanks to their prices. 2600x sold for 99 dollars in the USA, for 1.207 TL in our country; The 2700X, which is sold for $ 129.99, is sold for 1.955 TL. The European Hardware Association (European Hardware Association) said that 60% of tech lovers prefer AMD CPUs over Intel. Also, the vast majority of AMD users prefer NVIDIA graphics cards instead of AMD Radeon. Mind Factory, the largest technology retailer in Germany, expressed that 50,000 units have been sold since the launch of the Ryzen 5 3600 CPUs. According to Ingebor’s statistics covering March, AMD CPUs; managed to make up 88% of retailer’s sales and 84% of its revenue. The same figures remained on the Intel side as 12% and 16%. In April, AMD’s dominance increased even more. Company’s CPUs; constituted 89% of sales and 85% of revenue. For Intel, these rates remained at 10% and 15%. Successful sales figures of the company’s CPUs were also reflected in motherboard sales. Intel sold 375 motherboards, while AMD managed to sell 2,660 units. In addition, CPUbenchmark’s latest CPU market share statistics worldwide have also been published. AMD seems to be slowly but steadily beginning to eat Intel’s market share. It seems that there is not much left to the 50-50% market share distribution. With the release of the Zen 3-based Ryzen 4000 desktop CPUs approved this year, even greater discounts will start to appear on Ryzen’s third and second generation hardware, which will further increase AMD’s market share.

AMD CEO  Our Premium CPU Market Share Above 50  - 63