Arma 3, one of the best multiplayer games on PC, now has a new single-player script. If you have Arma 3 and Apex expansion, you can get the expansion that includes the new scenario called ‘Old Man’ for free on Steam. You play the role of a retired Legionnaire living in Tanoa Island in a single player open world scenario in Old Man. After a new type of malaria causes a crisis, when the regional authorities fail to distribute an effective vaccine to the civilian population, you get intelligence that it may be a conspiracy and set out to reveal the truth. New missions on huge terrain According to the developer Bohemia Interactive, the new expansion adds more than 10 hours of content to the game. Arma 3 Apex: Old Man takes place on a 100 square kilometer area of ​​Tanoa’s tropical land, and there are only a few instructions to progress on your new mission. In Old Man, you must make the right decisions to find your way, gather intelligence, acquire weapons and equipment, and build the best tactics. You have the freedom to finish the new script as you wish. The studio recommends that all missions are a matter of life and death, so you should think well about your tactics and always prepare an escape strategy. New items and cosmetics In addition to new missions, Old Man also gets new M2 .50 caliber machine gun variants with the new 1.98 update of Arma 3, Tanoa CSAT skin for Zamak truck, red cap, magenta-affected civilian characters, various stickers and inventory items. If you do not have Arma 3 and Apex expansion, let’s point out that both are offered on Steam at a 70% discount. You can access Arma 3’s Steam page here and Apex expansion page here. Arma 3 Apex: Old Man trailer:

Arma 3 s New Single Player Apex Scenario  Old Man  Released - 33