Warzone, one of the most popular games of the Call of Duty series, will get a new update very soon. This news, released from the official Twitter account of the producer firm Infinity Ward, seems to help troubleshoot the annoying bugs. New content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone stands out as content for players’ safety. According to the announced information, the players will be aware of these people thanks to the new update that will report online frauds and cheats in the game; that is, real players will be able to receive an in-game notification that tells them if the trick will be banned when reporting tricks. In-game security will be increased: Infinity Ward has also created a package called additional special security updates for the game. According to the transfer, the teams that control the game will work harder and have more resources to keep the cheats out of the game. It is also known that Warfare and Warzone fans are very sensitive when it comes to in-game tricks, and the firm’s 70,000 permanent ban transaction that the company has recently performed worldwide. Let’s underline that 50 million players were reached in just one month after this move by the company. In addition, because cross-platform support between the console and the PC caused computer tricks, the company went to close the cross-game support that can be adjusted from within the game. Suspicious players will be matched against each other: Another remarkable point about the new update is that the players suspected of cheating will be fighting in the same match as punishment. In other words, the fraudulent players that are controlled and revealed by the match system used in the game will be compared and punished. This new security policy to be published; will inform the players in detail about all offenses that could cause banning. Although the net date for these innovations for Call of Duty has not been fully disclosed yet, the update is expected to be very soon. After the last step, we will all see if Infinity Ward can satisfy gamers. We will continue to follow the developments and share them with you.

Call Of Duty  Warzone Will Put The People Who Are Thought To Cheat Into The Same Matches - 10