Season 2 update of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has arrived. With the new season, the update was expected to have a high file size as it added many new content to the game, including a new version of the popular Rust map of Modern Warfare 2. However, the file size unexpectedly goes up to 100 GB depending on the platform. Gamers have expressed disappointments on social media and forums as such a high-level update to CoD: Modern Warfare has come. Then developer Infinity Ward commented on this huge update. Production director Paul Haile apologized to the players for the high size of the update, and said that the Season 2 update is a special case that overall reduces the game’s file size. According to Paul Haile, the Season 2 update of Modern Warfare includes new asset packs that reduce the overall file size of the game “a little”. The update also includes innovations that modify data files to offer a “better” disk space management. Haile said the upcoming Modern Warfare updates won’t be as big as Season 2. Modern Warfare players will be able to choose which DLC packages to install or delete to free up their disks with an upcoming update. Thus, players will be able to select and upload the content they want to download by managing the overall file size, as in the Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Haile said Modern Warfare’s new DLC management system can only be used on the console. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 update includes two new multiplayer maps (Rust and Atlas Superstore), a new Ground War map (Zhokov Boneyard) and new Gunfight maps. Maps and weapons are free for all players, but Ghost and a bunch of cosmetic rewards are only available with premium Battle Pass levels.

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