There will be no salary for a while In addition, the founders of the company will not receive salaries, and managers’ salaries will be 50 percent less for the next six months. In addition, employees were told that it was unlikely to receive 2020 bonuses. According to these developments, it seems that hiring for a while will affect all roles within the company, except for critical positions. Airbnb under major financial damage Airbnb Covid-19, which is a candidate to become a public technology site of the year, was disrupted by the crisis hit the USA. The Wall Street Journal reported that in February Airbnb lost $ 322 million in the first nine months of last year. In 2018, it increased spending after reporting a profit of $ 200 million. “Everything will be more difficult,” said Tor Ke Capital’s founder Jon Keidan. Airbnb will be heavily affected by this uncertainty. It will be difficult so they can rethink changing strategy. ” said. Airbnb is now facing a travel and tourism industry that is returning money to its guests around the world for cancellation. The U.S. Travel Association expects the industry to lose 4.6 million jobs this year.

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