Valve’s competitive first-person shooter, released in 2012, is among the most legendary games. The game reached an impressive peak with 876,575 simultaneous players playing Counter Strike earlier this month. Counter Strike previously helped 850,485 players enter the game simultaneously in a game tournament held in April 2016. But in February, he broke his own record again with 876,575 players. Of course, Counter Strike did not get enough to break its own record. According to the information received, the simultaneous new record of Counter Strike: Global Offensive was actually broken again just a few weeks ago. Counter Strike sat on the throne again when 924,045 players entered CS: GO at the same time. So why is CS: GO one of the most played games of all time and has always set its own record? Some people say that these numbers may be due to players in China, although the reason for this is not yet fully known. People in China are becoming interested in first-person shooter games and the popularity of the game causes such high numbers. According to the allegations, especially because of the corona virus currently in China, people’s being unable to leave their homes leads them to online games. Trapped inside the houses, players started playing Counter Strike to spend time. A large Counter Strike tournament scheduled to take place had to be done online because of the corona virus. Because computer players joined online instead of attending the tournament individually. This led to a large audience of players joining the game online.

Counter Strike  Global Offensive Again Sets Instant Player Record On Steam - 96