Games can be inspired by similar games when designing new cosmetics. This is common and normal, especially in games that receive regular updates. But occasionally there may be situations where the similarities go to exaggeration. A new example where similarities have crossed the border has appeared in Psycho Savage, a new M16A4 skin that came to PUBG Mobile. The new weapon skin was almost identical to the AK47 skin, called the Neon Revolution in Counter-Strike Global Offensive, although it was generally welcomed by the community. In the comparison above, it is seen that both guns have the same neon color tones, green color is used at the end points and green text is written in the middle parts. In the coating in PUBG Mobile, only additional white lines are drawn to the coating. With the latest 0.17.0 update, PUBG Mobile received cosmetic ingredients for the Battle Royale Pass Season 12 and anniversary 2. The Arcade theme of the new season is suitable for neon cosmetics, and Neon Revolution provides integrity to the theme, although it looks like a copy. So do you think PUBG Mobile copies the content of CS: GO in the new M16A4 coating? You can share your opinions in the comments section.

Discovered That PUBG Mobile Copied A Gun Skin In CS GO - 69