Scientists from the University of Cambridge in England conducted a study to map the spreading map of the SARS-CoV-2. Research shows that the virus has mutated several times over time. Researchers used techniques used to determine the movement of prehistoric people through DNA to map the spreading of SARS-CoV-2. Scientists, who said that many virus mutations exist, explained that they used a network algorithm to create certain groups of mutations. As a result of the study, three coronavirus groups with different genetic variations were found. Data from SARS-CoV-2 samples from around the world were used between December 24, 2019 and March 4, 2020 to identify coronavirus variations named Type A, Type B and Type C. Virus similar to bats more in the USA and Australia The study at Cambridge University has drawn interesting results. SARS-CoV-2 was thought to be transmitted to another animal from bats and transmitted to humans. In the study, it was determined that Type A, which has a coronavirus variation similar to the coronavirus in bats, is not the dominant coronavirus type in Wuhan, the place where the epidemic was first seen, but was mostly seen as dominant in the USA and Australia. Type A coronavirus is also seen in Wuhan. However, this is not the dominant variation in the city. A coronavirus variation called Type B is commonly seen in Wuhan. Type B coronavirus is formed by mutating twice from Type A. Type B coronavirus is common in all of East Asia. The Type C variation that occurs with a mutation from Type B is common in early coronavirus patients in France, Italy, Sweden and the UK. How coronavirus infects Italy is determined Researchers’ analysis also shows how the coronavirus first came to Italy. According to the study, the first virus entered Italy on January 27th with a German incident. Another early coronavirus case in the country was determined to be of Singapore origin. Scientists say that the method they use can help determine where the outbreak will spread in the future and predict outbreak waves. The researchers added that the newest genomes of the coronavirus can be used to determine the future spreading movement of the virus.

Discovered That SARS CoV 2 Has Three Different Mutations As It Spreads Around The World - 82