The coronavirus, which has caused more than 250 thousand people to die worldwide, has also negatively affected life in many countries of the world. Many economists say that the stagnation in the economy due to coronavirus may be on the scale of the Great Depression in 1929. The virus, which frightened people and caused them to close their homes, became a tool for fraudsters. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said today that consumers have lost more than $ 23 million due to the coronavirus this year. Coronavirus-related frauds: The FTC went to update the issues related to the complaints. About 35,000 people have complained about fraud, identity theft and other frauds since the beginning of the year. The commission announced that a total of $ 23.3 million was lost due to coronavirus-related scams. Most of the complaints were related to travel and holidays. FTC also said that these scams are mostly related to refunds and cancellations. According to the data released by the FTC, the complainants said that they were contacted most by phone. The phone was followed by e-mail and internet sites. FTC said earlier this month that they received 15,000 fraud complaints about coronavirus this year, and consumers lost $ 12 million to fraudsters. FTC listed fraud transactions in recent weeks as follows: People buy face masks from websites, but they do not reach their hands. There are fake coronavirus test sites that collect personal data. It is tried to obtain information from the companies applying for credit. It was also stated that they were infected with coronavirus and that there were fraudsters who threatened to infect people if they were not paid. To avoid falling into the traps of those who try to scam people, avoid clicking on unreliable links that come with SMS and e-mail.

FTC Announces Heavy Bill Of Corona Inflammation    23 3 Million Loss - 98