The Corona virus, which emerged in Wuhan, China and caused 1,384 deaths as of today, is not on the agenda. On the one hand, while scientists and the Chinese administration are investigating how to deal with this virus, which has become a problem, some theories that have emerged, on the other hand, drag people to deep fear. The subject of the book “The Eyes of Darkness” or “The Eyes of Darkness” in Turkish, published in 1981, is associated with the Corona virus. The reason for such an association is a biological weapon that constitutes the subject of the book. The content of the book, which was launched entirely as a fiction at the time of its writing, is similar to the fact that it is living in a similar way today. The book mentions a special laboratory of the Chinese administration that is at war. In this laboratory, which is said to belong to the Chinese army, a very special study is being done. The subject of the study is an artificial virus developed for use in war. An even more interesting dimension is that the lab in question is located in the first place where the Corona virus originated, namely in Wuhan. The book, which was on the agenda once the Corona virus turned into an epidemic, caused the eyes to be turned into Koontz. Some groups even said that Koontz was a prophet. However, the truth was not at all as it was thought. Koontz was just a writer with a high level of knowledge and hardworking. A bookstore operator named Albert Wan, who made explanations on the subject, says that many important scientific studies can be identified when Wuhan’s history is researched. In other words, Koontz, who was claimed to be a prophet, knew Wuhan’s history well, and his aim was to write a fictional novel blended with the facts.

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