Bitcoin Owners Glassnode did a new research on the current status of Bitcoin addresses and examined how much BTC was available at which address. According to these researches by Glassnode, there are currently 797 thousand 420 addresses with at least 1 BTC. We do not know who these addresses belong to, how many addresses they have. So the research done by Glassnode does not show us who owns BTC. However, this research shows us at least: Currently, there are at most 797 thousand 420 people holding at least 1 full BTC. Wealth Distribution According to the studies of Glassnode, there are almost 800 thousand addresses currently containing 1 or more BTC. So how exactly is the distribution of wealth between these addresses? If we talk about the data of BitInfoCharts, 1-10 BTCs are kept in 2.15% of these 800 thousand addresses. There are 10-100% BTC in 0.46%, 100-1000% in 0.05% and 1.000-10.000% in 0.01%.

How Many People In Total Have 1 Full Bitcoin  - 89