Somag News contacted Facebook’s advisory in Brazil who admitted the problem, but explained that the flaw has already been corrected. “Earlier today, some people may have had trouble viewing images in our applications due to a network error. This issue has been resolved and the applications are working normally ”, informs the company note. It is also worth mentioning that the coronavirus quarantine may have caused an increase in the use of social networks, since many people are at home and end up using apps as a form of distraction. According to DownDetector, a site that monitors the functioning of services on the web, Instagram fell around 18:15 this Wednesday. According to complaints from users on Twitter, it is not possible to see photos and Stories on the social network. Facebook problems started to appear around 6:30 pm. The bug hit users all over the world, especially in Europe and America, with a focus on the United States and Brazil. During the period of instability, Google Trends, a platform that monitors Internet searches, recorded an increase in searches related to the subject. Terms like “Instagram instability”, “Instagram with a problem”, “Instagram doesn’t load photos”, “Instagram stopped today”, “Instagram doesn’t load Stories” and “Instagram offline” were among the users’ searches. Likewise, the fall of Facebook has also moved the Internet. Trying to understand the problem, users searched Google for “Facebook instability”, “WhatsApp and Facebook are not working”, “Facebook bug”, “Facebook with problems” and “Facebook down”. In addition, instability in WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook has become the target of complaints and jokes from Twitter users. Through the microblog, several people commented on the fact that the three social networks belong to Facebook and fall at the same time. Here are some tweets: