It has been talked for a while that Intel, one of the largest semiconductor manufacturers in the world, is preparing to enter the graphics card market after the processor market. In this context, the company, which announced the graphic processing units with Xe architecture at the last CES fair, has now shared a photo of a rather large and strange looking GPU in a post from its official Twitter account. From the outside, this socket-based graphics unit, which resembles a CPU rather than a GPU, has a socket that uses almost three thousand pins. The chip, which also has an integrated heat spreader, is approximately 4000 mm2 in size. This means that even if the active area to be used is half of this size, the NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti will be three times the size. Confusing statement about the new GPU from Intel’s head of graphics unit: As the information provided by Intel is limited for now, it is not yet known what kind of GPU the graphics unit in the photo is or in which class it is located. Still, the comments made by Intel, the chief architect of the graphics department, Raja Koduri, by quoting this tweet allowed us to have an idea of ​​this rather large and strange-looking chip. Koduri retweeted the photo saying “Baap of all”. We know that the word ‘baap’, which means ‘father’ in Hindi, is an expression related to the development of Intel’s Xe HP GPU. We can also see from the words of ‘Everyone’s cooking Baahubali’ in Koduri’s tweet that the work of another GPU, which is not included in the image, continues. At this point, although the chip in the images is estimated to support the BF16 artificial intelligence calculation format, it is not known exactly which class it is in. BF16 is known as an approved feature of Xe HPC optimized for servers, artificial intelligence and scientific work. On the other hand, Xe HP is said to be geared towards gaming and workstations. There are many question marks about Intel’s new, highly anticipated GPU for now. We need to wait a little longer to get the answers to these questions. So what do you think of Intel’s new Xe architecture GPUs? You can share your ideas on this subject with us in the comments section.

Intel Shared Photo Of The Largest And Weirdest GPU Ever Produced - 91