The most successful production of the box office in the last few months has been the story of the Joker, the legendary enemy of Batman. In general, the production is highly acclaimed and positive reviews, the US revenue in DC’s most successful so far, Batman v Superman’i outperformed. Batman v Superman, a very impressive figure at the box office had reached 330 million 360 thousand 194 dollars. The film’s global box office was slightly above $ 1 billion 48 million. On the other hand, the Joker, which is only made for ‘three thirty dollars’ compared to its counterparts like only $ 55 million, has reached the box office figure of $ 330 million 601 thousand 522 in the United States.

Zack Snyder’s films have been heavily criticized for dealing with DC heroes in a dark and nihilistic mood, while the new Joker film has been praised for handling the DC super villain. The fact that the Joker was dark and nihilistic also created an interesting situation here. Most comic book readers or those with knowledge of the DC universe (BTAS, Justice League, etc.) from the edge of the coastline acknowledge the difference in interpretation due to the differences in character structure. The Joker film also faced serious criticism during production. Many saw this as a departure from the essence of the character. What other films can the Joker leave behind?

The Joker film is still on the road. According to many, Joker, the most successful comic book ever, may leave some other important names in the US box office figures. These films include Guardians of the Galaxy ($ 333 million) and Aquaman ($ 335 million). The new big productions that will be released with the approach of the holiday period are certain to make the film earn a few million dollars even if it will slow down the Joker. In the coming period, DC will be releasing films such as Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman 1984, The Batman and Aquaman 2. The Flash’s work will begin in 2021. Warner Bros., in the coming period seems to fill the vision with comic book characters. You may also like.

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