Since dating Liam Hemsworth, Maddison Brown has received a lot of media attention and has grown in popularity. However, this sudden interest also earned him death threats! Indeed, we had never talked so much about Maddison Brown as since she dated Liam Hemsworth! It must be said that their love life fascinates the many fans. While fans of Miley Cyrus are still mourning this legendary couple that will have lasted almost 10 years! We still hope that they are not the authors of these threats! She said it herself in an interview for Sunday Life. The young woman is aware of this renewed interest that fans have had for her since she dated Liam. She also mentioned the increase in her number of fans on the networks with almost 570,000 followers on Instagram. “It is not a crazy number but it is something that I am becoming more aware of. I pay more attention to what I publish and share, and to preserve my privacy. “Declares the young woman. LIAM HEMSWORTH GIVES MADDISON BROWN FAME! Liam Hemsworth’s girlfriend also explains what kind of message she’s been getting since getting more media attention. ” It’s a mix. I would say that people are mostly positive. But I received a very strange death threat. However, these malicious messages do not scare her, she prefers to stay positive. ” But it’s not big deal. When you are a public figure, people want to form an opinion about you. Often based on an impression they have made of you. “She declares. For her, it has nothing to do with Liam Hemsworth’s previous relationship. According to Maddison, this is only the flip side of fame! “The more people see you, especially on the screen, the more they feel they know you. The more they can identify with you, the more they are interested in your private life “explains the young woman before continuing:” I would like to keep my privacy intact as long as possible. “A will that she will have to forget now that she is dating the famous actor!

Liam Hemsworth As A Couple  Maddison Brown Is Threatened With Death  - 46