Since her marriage to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle must take care of her image. So she doesn’t have to post compromising photos of herself and she carefully chooses her photos on Instagram. However, the starlet is controversial and she is often criticized for her role as a mother and some even find it too demanding. However, Meghan Markle has not always been a Duchess. Not long ago, a snapshot of the star surfaced and she was only 16 years old. The photo was taken in 1997 and she is with her former boyfriend. We can see her posing with him while they are at the high school ball. Like any teenager, the starlet had to have this kind of evening and she was already very beautiful. MEGHAN MARKLE ALREADY BEAUTIFUL AT 16! Meghan Markle went out with Luis Segura, her first love in high school and she formed a lovely couple with the young man. Indeed, on the picture, we find it on the left of the photo dressed in a black dress. Prince Harry’s wife was very beautiful and she wanted to be photogenic at 16 years old. In addition, she seemed very happy to be able to pose with her boyfriend at the time. Thus, Meghan Markle has changed a lot in twenty-two years and she is unrecognizable. However, many of her fans find her very beautiful and they recognize her. Indeed, on the picture, the starlet has a certain presence and she is already very comfortable in front of the cameras. “She’s so elegant,” said a fan. “She has not aged! Said another subscriber. In other words, even at 16, the Duchess was already very beautiful and had everything of a star!

Meghan Markle  A Photo Of Her Adolescence Resurfaces  - 98