Like you, Meghan Markle and Harry are confined to their homes to fight the spread of the Covid-19. The Duchess’ best friend also gave invaluable advice during this time of crisis . Back in Canada, Meghan Markle and Harry are also worried about the world health crisis. And the young couple apply the sanitary measures to the letter. On the Web, they have also made internet users aware of the need for confinement . Jessica Mulroney, Meghan Markle’s BFF also wanted to empower her community and her loved ones … in her own way. In everyday life, this young mother shines brilliantly in the field of fashion . But that’s not all. She also runs a show focused on weddings: “I Do, Redo” . For People, Jessica Mulroney therefore wanted to deliver a beautiful message. “Although I am heartbroken for each of them, the smart thing to do right now is social distancing and postponing all marriages in the near future, ” she said. And to continue: “It’s not what people want to hear about their marriage, but it’s the only good thing to do at the moment . ” “We are in unknown waters, but the good news is that your wedding will take place,” added Jessica Mulroney. But the young woman did not stop in such a good way in her recommendations. MEGHAN MARKLE: HER BEST FRIEND RECOMMENDS MAKING LOVE MORE! In any case, Meghan Markle’s best friend remains hopeful about the current situation. For her, people can find themselves in intimacy. “If there is something I learned from the 10 couples of ‘I Do, Redo’ it is that despite the difficult circumstances, they are all focused on one thing – love (…)” , also added Jessica Mulroney for People. And to clarify: ” And that’s exactly what each couple should do at the moment.” No doubt his community and those close to him will listen to this precious advice. Like Meghan Markle and Harry for example… In the meantime, the Sussexes remain confined to their homes. We also hope that the health crisis will improve.

Meghan Markle s Best Friend Advises The Couple To Make More Love - 16