On March 11, 2011, Japan suffered one of the greatest disasters in its history. The earthquakes and tsunami directly affected the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and a large amount of radioactive material was released into the atmosphere. When the magnitude of the incident was evaluated by experts, it was stated that it was at the same level as Chernobyl. Immediately after the radioactive leak, the Japanese authorities began work and evacuated the area immediately. The immediate vicinity of the nuclear power plant is still far from human life and abandoned. However, the fact that the region was evacuated for humans does not mean the same for animals. According to research, the region is currently home to many wild animals. Scientists working at the University of Georgia in the United States, have installed camera systems in almost every region of the nuclear disaster and wanted to determine what happened in the region. Scientists gathering various images in a total of 120 days, obtained more than 267 thousand images and shared the evaluation of the images they obtained with the public. The statements made on the subject emphasize that the images obtained are the first proof of wild animal life in the region. According to scientists in the forbidden area for people right now; There are more than 20 animal species such as wild boar, pheasant, fox, rabbit, macaque monkey and raccoon. According to scientists, the presence of wild animals in the region, after the evacuation of people has increased from good to good. Macaque monkeys reflected in the cameras placed in the area Scientists, over 120 days have reached the image of more than 46 thousand wild boars. More than 26,000 of them were shot in a completely uninhabited area, while about 13,000 images were obtained from areas close to living spaces. Scientists say that 7,000 wild boar images were detected in abandoned settlements. Scientists now want to carry out studies to understand the genetic condition of the animals in the area. However, the radiation level of the region prevents scientists from working easily and thus the research is not going on. Despite this, scientists seem to be determined to continue their work.

 Nature  Invaded Japan s Abandoned Region Fukushima After Nuclear Disaster - 33