WhatsApp has restricted messages WhatsApp continues to work to prevent the spread of false information. WhatsApp’s last move is to impose additional restrictions on sharing messages. The popular messaging service said that users will face a new limit when forwarding messages. From now on, if a user receives a message forwarded more than five times, they will only be able to send to one chat at a time. The limit from 5 in 2019 fell to 1 this year WhatsApp noted that many users are aware that they are sharing useful information, funny videos, caps and more posts that they find meaningful, especially recently, this usage is getting more and more. The company stated that users may inevitably cause false information to spread and see a significant increase in this direction. Therefore, the company, which wants to slow down this problem as a precaution, started working on the message limit. For example, until 2018, users could send a message to 250 groups at once, while the same year it was reduced to 20. This limit fell to 5 in 2019 and now it has turned into 1. WhatsApp says these measures have reduced message delivery worldwide by 25 percent.