Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, one of the most popular games of the past months, has become even more popular especially with the release of the free battle-royale game mode, Warzone. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone continue to be continually developed and new content to respond to this popularity. The developer of the game, Activision, shared a roadmap of the 4th season of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone in a blog post he published recently. The shared roadmap included new modes, weapons, and maps to be added to the game in the coming weeks.

New weapon appeared:

On the road map shared by Activision, it was stated that a weapon named “Rytec AMR” would come to the game. This weapon has never appeared before us, at least with this name. But before the Rytec AMR came into the game, it was revealed with a video how the weapon will offer. A Twitter user named BKTOOR_ included a video of the new Rytec AMR weapon in the tweet he shared. Within 30 seconds of video, all the features of the gun appeared. The shooting speed, scope and animations of the Rytec AMR, a sniper rifle, appeared in the video. However, when this video was fully examined, an important detail caught their attention. Although the name of the gun was mentioned as Rytec AMR, the name of the gun was specified as AX-50 in the interface at the bottom right. The AX-50, probably the uncertain name of the gun, had appeared in another video before. A video was shared on YouTube before Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone switched to Season 4. The weapon featured in this video was the same as the weapon we saw above. The name of the weapon in the YouTube video was referred to as AX-50 in the interface at the bottom right. Possibly referred to as the AX-50 codename, this weapon will likely take its place in the game under the name Rytec AMR, as Activision explained. Although the weapon appeared before it was released in the game, there is no information yet on when Activision will release it.

New Weapon Comes Out To Call Of Duty  Modern Warfare - 77