Something strange is happening on Steam’s autumn discounts homepage. At the top of the page we see a physical Steam shop and a drawing of Gabe Newell, co-founder of Valve, behind the cash register. These were already in the previous picture. However, new elements have been added to the picture. This is a very eerie and strange picture with the atmosphere it gives. Home page first version: When the discounts started, the shop in this picture was designed with the dim red light reflected on the setting sun; it had a sensational effect with red-leaf trees surrounding it. A cat-like creature standing outside, a customer talking to Gabe Newell in the air in front of the cash register … This picture was nice and heartwarming. Now this shop has turned into a nightmare place. The streets remained under a creepy darkness. In the previous picture, the customer chatting with Newell is a Cthulhu-themed horror story, with the octopus-headed creature appearing in the back as he flutters under the bondage of a tentacle out of the sewer. What we call a cat-like game from Baba Is You is still walking around in front of the store. Above, at the top of the shop, a ninja, which we think is Sekiro, is waiting to act. Do tentacles mean anything? And what does that mean? Perhaps nothing … One of the predictions that can be carried out is that Steam aims to attract different characters from different games and bring them together in a single picture to attract attention during the discount period. But there is still no idea where the ‘Cthulhuvari’ squid monster came from, what it meant to tell. Steam’s fall discounts will last until December 3rd. We will monitor what is happening on the page during the discount and see if there will be a new change.

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