The balance sheet of the coronavirus epidemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China and became a pandemic in a short time, is increasing day by day. The virus, which is seen in almost every country, has alerted government officials on the one hand and scientists on the other. Government officials continue to work to stop the outbreak, while scientists are working on the treatment of COVID-19 disease and learning about the damage it causes in the lungs. The coronavirus outbreak is one of the issues the world cares about. However, some people still ignore the warnings of scientists and government officials and say, “Nothing will happen to me.” they act with the thought. A new video that is emerging now has to be watched especially for people who don’t take the coronavirus seriously. Because this video clearly shows how the coronavirus causes damage to the lungs. Scientists from the University of George Washington, which serves in Washington, the capital of the United States, have made various studies on the first patients who had COVID-19 disease. Scientists who wanted to map how this virus caused damage to the lungs, used virtual reality-supported cameras and produced an eerie video. The video we will share with you shortly belongs to a man in his late 50s. The man, who was treated on 18 March, applied to the hospital with complaints of shortness of breath and high fever. George Washington University started the necessary treatment, deciding that this patient should be urgently connected to the respirator. After that, the hospital’s Chief of Chest Surgery Keith Mortman explained. Mortman says that the patient’s need for respiratory equipment has increased day by day and the respiratory support given after a while has started to be insufficient. Expressing that they decided to harden the treatment technique they applied with the deterioration of the condition, Mortman stated that they switched to a technique called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and thus achieved results. NOTE: ECMO is a technique in which blood in the body is removed from the body and sent back to the body after supplementation with oxygen. The yellow sections you will see in the video below show the damage the coronavirus leaves to the lung. These images prove once again why we should take coronavirus too seriously. Damage caused by the coronavirus in the lungs

Keith Mortman, regarding the video you watched above; He states that there is a very serious difference between a healthy lung and a lung with a coronavirus, and it is not even necessary to be an expert to understand this difference. Mortman adds that the damage to the lungs of these patients, who are in their late 50s, is likely to be permanent and this is worrying.

Spooky Video Showing Corona Virus Damage To The Lungs - 94