iPhone 9 case leaked Apple had to postpone its effectiveness in March due to the corona virus. The company, which did not make any statement about the new model, caused the users to lose hope about the iPhone 9. However, the iPhone 9 case, which was offered for sale on some shopping sites, brought to mind that it might be available soon. Developed by Urban Armor Gear, the case made sure that the iPhone 9 will be 4.7 inches in size. No explanation has been provided by Best Buy and Apple yet. However, if the published advertisement is correct, the introduction of the new iPhone model this week will be good for both the company and the users. The new iPad Pro and MacBook Air models were introduced with a press release on Wednesday last week. The devices offered for sale directly after the promotion were liked by many users. It is estimated that Apple will make a similar move for iPhone 9. The device, which is expected to be introduced this week, is among the rumors that it will be released with a $ 399 tag price.

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