It is worth remembering that informal and unemployed workers enrolled in CadÚnico are entitled to emergency aid, also known as a “coronavoucher”. Check out, in the following article, some questions and answers about what is the Single Registry and how to enroll in the program.

  1. What is a Single Registry? The Cadastro Único is a Federal Government program that gathers information on Brazilian families in poverty and extreme poverty. States and municipalities use this data to implement public policies that aim to improve the lives of these families. Only low-income families can enroll in CadÚnico. CadÚnico is used to select citizens who will benefit from government social programs. Users need to have their registration updated to enjoy the projects. Among the initiatives are, for example, Bolsa Família and the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program. Emergency aid, dubbed a “coronavoucher”, is also among the benefits that can be accessed through the Single Registry – if you don’t have CadÚnico, here’s how to apply for emergency aid.
  2. How to consult the Single Registry? The Cadastro Único provides a website, application and telephone so that the population can consult data and answer questions. To make the consultation, just enter the data requested in the app. In case of further doubts, the address ( has several information about the program.
  3. What are the functions of the Cadastro Único app? The Cadastro Único app helps the user to sign up for CadÚnico and consult their family’s information. The application makes it possible to issue a proof of registration, check which members of the family are there, know the NIS (Social Identification Number) of each one, see if there is any pending registration, locate a registration location on the map and learn about social programs Ministry of Social Development.
  4. How do I know my name is in the Cadastro Único? To check if you are already registered with CadÚnico, access the application and tap “Enter”. The program then asks you to fill in your full name, date of birth, your mother’s name and status. Then, tap “Sign In” again. If the login is successful, you are registered. Otherwise, registration is required.
  5. How to find out the NIS number? To find out what your NIS (Social Identification Number) number is, just log in and tap on “Register” in the bottom left corner of the screen. The information of family members is located on this screen, and the NIS number is located just below the name of each one.
  6. How to update Single Registry data? Changes to the Single Registry data must be made at Cras (Reference Center for Social Assistance) by the head of the family. The app shows what documents will be needed for the registration update. Whenever there is a change in the family, such as the birth of a child, change of house or work, among others, the responsible person should look for Cras to update the data.
  7. How to register with CadÚnico? In order to register with CadÚnico, the person responsible for the family must attend a Social Assistance Reference Center with his CPF or voter registration card in hand. In addition, you must present at least one photo ID of all family members. It is also advisable to bring a proof of residence – water or electricity bill, for example. The government has yet to say how applications will be made during the period of social isolation, but signaled that verification should be done through self-declaration on a digital platform.
  8. Emergency aid: how to apply to receive the government benefit? People who have the Single Registry do not need to register in the emergency aid application to receive the “coronavoucher”. Bolsa Família beneficiaries will automatically receive assistance on the program card, as long as the amount is higher. For workers enrolled in the Cadastro Único who are not part of Bolsa Família, the assistance will fall into the registered account of CadÚnico. For those who have an account at Banco do Brasil or savings at Caixa, the first installment of the benefit began to be released on Thursday (9).
What Is A Single Registry  How To Register And Make An Appointment Using The App - 28