The coronavirus outbreak has caused more than 2.8 million cases and more than 815 thousand deaths worldwide. The USA, on the other hand, became the epicenter of the epidemic with more than 926 thousand cases and more than 52 thousand deaths. Making a critical statement about those who survived the coronavirus, WHO explained that there is no evidence that those who recover will not get the disease again. “Some governments are considering giving an ‘immune passport’ or ‘risk free certificate’ to people whose antibodies are detected in their body against the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes coronavirus disease, WHO’s scientific announcement said. expressions were included. In the statement, which emphasized that there is no guarantee that the survivors are immune, the warning was made that the epidemic could spread faster due to the said practices. ‘WHO survivors of coronavirus may recur this disease’ statement from WHO: Chile, the country of South America, announced that those who recovered from the coronavirus will be given an ‘immune passport’ so that those who have this passport will return to their jobs. On the other hand, the World Health Organization has recently made a statement about allegations that the coronavirus has leaked from a biology lab in Wuhan. The statement stated that there is no evidence that the virus was produced or modified in the lab. Underlining that coronavirus studies are continuing within the institution, WHO noted that coronavirus survivors’ antibody rates in some people are not sufficient to provide immunity. According to official data, at least 810 thousand patients have recovered from the coronavirus epidemic, which is transmitted to more than 2.8 million people worldwide. ‘The antibody rate in some of the survivors of coronavirus is insufficient for immunity’: In the US media, it was stated that the country’s intelligence is working on the possibility that the coronavirus may have leaked from the laboratory in Wuhan, China. “This possibility makes sense,” said US President Donald Trump on the allegations. he used expressions.

WHO  There Is No Evidence Regarding Those Who Are Healed Will Not Be Retaken To Corona Virus - 82