This is the heart on the hand that Zayn Malik has offered nearly 12 000 Caitlin Robinson , a girl aged five. We love this gesture! While he has been very discreet lately, the famous Zayn Malik made a very generous gesture. He came to the aid of little Caitlin Robinson , who had been suffering from cancer for a year. The child has stage 4 neuroblastoma. His tumor is localized in the nervous system. Then came several treatments and cycles of chemotherapy. But these solutions were not enough. The baby’s mother therefore launched an emergency SOS. She then created a kitty for medical transport from Caitlin to Barcelona. His message did not go unnoticed. Zayn Malik was very touched by their story. It was on the GoFundMe platform that he did not hesitate to help Caitlin, originally from Burnley in England. This kitty therefore helped to finance the treatment of the child. ZAYN MALIK, A GENEROUS AND DISCREET STAR
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) January 22, 2020 Zayn Malik is an extremely generous being . When only £ 10 was needed to save the child, the British artist donated more than £ 12,000. It is much more than the family expected. The singer is also very discreet. He did not wish to comment on his gesture. This only confirms the beautiful adage of Blaise Pascal: “The beautiful hidden actions are the most valuable. ” In an interview with LancsLive, the little girl’s mother admits to being very surprised by this gift : “I woke up this morning to see my baby and I went to see the donation page at the same time. We were missing £ 10 to reach £ 2000. And suddenly it had increased to over £ 12,000. I could not believe my eyes. I would like to say a big thank you to Zayn Malik. But I don’t know how to reach him. I am so grateful to him. “